RNA + Knowledge

RNA + Knowledge

RNA - central molecule of life

While most people know the term "DNA", the term "RNA" is less familiar. What is RNA and why are we devoting an entire website to this molecule? Here we give you an overview of the many functions of…
RNA + Knowledge

RNA viruses

You have probably heard of the flu virus (influenza) – or certainly of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Did you also know that these are examples of viruses that have their genes stored on RNA and not…
RNA + Knowledge

RNA vaccines

At the latest since the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been constant talk in the media about a new type of vaccines - the so-called mRNA vaccines. In this chapter we will take a closer look at the topic…
RNA + Knowledge

The blueprint of life

The basis of life in its simplest form consists of four components: DNA, RNA, proteins and lipids. DNA and RNA are nucleic acids and are found in the cells of all living organisms.
RNA + Knowledge

The diversity of our cells

The human body consists of trillions of cells. Although all body cells are composed of the same building blocks, there are a variety of cell types.
RNA + Knowledge

From gene to gene product: Gene expression

Whenever the cell requires a certain protein, the gene for this protein is transcribed into a messenger molecule, the mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid).
RNA + Knowledge

Split genes

This discovery provided one of the great surprises of 20th century molecular biology: genes of complex organisms are not present as continuous sections on DNA.
RNA + Knowledge

The RNA - a multitalent in the cell

In order to understand life at the molecular level, science has strongly focused on the study of DNA and proteins for many decades.
RNA + Knowledge

Gen-editing with CRISPR/CAS9

Since it became known that the system known as CRISPR/Cas9 could be used to manipulate the genome of a wide variety of organisms, non-scientists have also been interested in the new genetic…
RNA + Knowledge

From DNA to protein

The flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein takes place in all living beings and thus is (nearby) universal. This sequence of events is therefore also called the "central dogma of…